Bearded Dragon Care

Why Is My Bearded Dragon Twitching? (How to Treat Urgently)

Paying attention to how your bearded dragon moves and responds can tell you things about its health. If you’ve noticed your bearded dragon was twitching, you may be wondering why.

When a bearded dragon is twitching, it is a sign that they have metabolic bone disease. This is a common disease among reptiles that are nutrient deficient. If your bearded dragon isn’t consuming enough vitamin D or calcium, it could be at risk.

Did you come to this page because your bearded dragon is twitching? We will discuss why this is happening and cover what you should do to help your reptile recover.

Why Is My Bearded Dragon Twitching?

Twitching is a sign that your bearded dragon has a metabolic bone disease. This happens when there is an imbalance of nutrients in the bearded dragon’s body, mainly from too much phosphorus and not enough calcium or vitamin D3. When this occurs, their skeletal structure becomes weak.

What Does This Mean? (Why Is The Bearded Dragon Doing This?)

This means that your bearded dragon is not consuming enough calcium and its body needs some right away. As a reaction, it’s beginning to experience muscle tremors. Bearded dragons that eat an all-meat diet are more likely to experience this because they are not getting a well-balanced diet. This is why it’s important to include leafy greens and other vegetables in its diet.

The severity of the twitch could also be a sign of how far along the metabolic bone disease has developed. Metabolic bone disease can take months to years to develop in a bearded dragon. If you notice a body twitch, it’s very likely a sign that the metabolic bone disease is advanced. However, a slight head twitch or foot twitch could be an early sign.

Is This an Emergency?

Early detection of metabolic bone disease can help your bearded dragon have a faster recovery. However, since twitching is usually a sign of advanced metabolic bone disease this can lead reptile owners to worry more. While twitching doesn’t require an emergency vet appointment, it will still need to be treated by a qualified veterinarian.

Your bearded dragon does stand a good chance of a healthy recovery if you take it to the vet. If the twitching and metabolic bone disease are left untreated, it can cause damage to the bone structure. Your bearded dragon may become weak or deformed. If left untreated for too long, it could become fatal. 

Will The Bearded Dragon Be Okay?

We have good news for you. With the right treatment and level of care, your bearded dragon will most likely be okay. As long as the metabolic bone disease hasn’t been left untreated for too long, there is a very strong chance that your bearded dragon will make a recovery.

Will He Stop?

It is possible to get your bearded dragon to stop twitching with the right steps. Make sure a visit to the vet is one of the first things you do for them. This is critical to getting the twitching to stop because, during an examination, the veterinarian will be able to detect how far along the metabolic bone disease is and what effects it has had on the bones.

The veterinarian will also prescribe calcium supplements and vitamin D injections as needed. They will inform you of what steps need to be taken for the reptile’s nutrition and daily diet, as well as the steps for re-hydration.

Do I Have To Do Anything For Him?

Along with a visit to the vet, you can do things to make your bearded dragon’s recovery better.

Always make sure they have a good environment that’s at the right temperature. Bearded dragons thrive in a warm climate, so their tank should be 100 to 107 F (38 to 42 C). However, it will also need a cool section in the tank that is 71 to 79 F (22 to 26 C).

You should also find a way to naturally add more calcium and vitamin D to its diet. The best (and easiest) way to do this is with leafy greens, like lettuce. Always avoid spinach, as its calcium levels are too high for a bearded dragon.

Final Thoughts

When a bearded dragon is twitching, it’s a sign of metabolic bone disease. This should always be examined and treated by a vet to ensure the reptile has a healthy recovery.


Chris is a reptile enthusiast, breeder, and blogger from the Milwaukee, WI area. After breeding hundreds of bearded dragons to supply local pet stores and owning many other types of reptiles, he is now focused on sharing knowledge to help owners properly care for their little reptiles friends.

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