Why Is My Bearded Dragon Tail Turning White? (Explained)
Bearded Dragons are awesome pets. You really can’t ask for a better reptile. They are smart, affectionate, and adorable! And, of course, we want to make sure they are healthy. You may have noticed that your bearded dragon’s tail is turning white, and you are wondering if you should be alarmed.
A bearded dragon’s tail turns white because they are about to shed.
This article will cover why your bearded dragon’s tail is turning white and when you need to be concerned.
Why is my Bearded Dragon’s Tail Turning White?
There are a few reasons our bearded dragon’s tail and body turn white.
He’s Shedding
Your bearded dragon’s tail and the rest of his body are likely turning white because he is shedding. Younger dragons will shed as often as every few weeks, while adults will only shed a few times a year.
The shedding period for bearded dragons is usually between one to two weeks as long as the humidity in their enclosure is right.
Before he starts to shed, you will notice that his skin will appear dull, whitish, and pale. Bearded dragons do not shed in one single layer as snakes do. Instead, they shed in patches. You’ll see his head, body, legs, and eventually, his tail turns white.
In most cases, bearded dragons will shed just fine on their own, but if you notice any stuck shed after he’s done shedding, you can easily remove it with a warm, damp cloth.
He’s Too Hot
If you are familiar with bearded dragons, you probably know that they can look darker or lighter as their mood and temperatures change. Because they love the heat, bearded dragons will often look darker to soak in the warmth.
But dragons can get too hot. When they feel too hot, you will notice their skin take on a whitish hue. They do this because this is their way of cooling off and absorbing less heat.
He’s Sleeping
Your bearded dragon may simply be sleeping if you notice he’s turned a few shades paler, and this is due to his circadian rhythm.
Many people say that bearded dragons turn white when sleeping because they are simply relaxing, and a comfortable sleep causes their skin to pale.
He’s Not Feeling Well
If your dragon isn’t feeling so well, he may stop eating and begin to turn white or pale. If he isn’t eating and has been lethargic, there is a chance he may be ill.
He may also be ill if his face turns black while the rest of him turns white.
He May Have Eaten Something He Shouldn’t Have
Like dogs and cats, bearded dragons can ingest things they aren’t supposed to. If you have seen changes in color and behavior in your dragon, it’s possible he may have eaten a large piece of substrate or some other object that has become impacted.
Visiting the Veterinarian
Anytime you are concerned about your bearded dragon’s health, you should do your research online like you are now, and if you can’t help them yourself consult a vet.
Your veterinarian will most likely do several blood tests to give them a better idea of what is going on.
These tests can include:
- Liver enzymes
- Uric acid
- Creatinine
- Blood urea nitrogen
- Renal function
- Full blood count
- Albumin levels
- Globulin levels
- Calcium levels
Your vet will also ask you about your bearded dragon’s enclosure, the humidity levels, and the type of substrate you are using. He will also likely ask about your dragon’s diet and how he’s been eating and drinking, along with doing a thorough exam to pinpoint exactly what is going on.