Gargoyle Gecko Noises: What Sounds They Make And Why?
If this is your first time owning a gargoyle gecko, you are likely alarmed at the fact that your gecko is pretty noisy. Gargoyle geckos are notorious for being communicative with other geckos, but they communicate with their keepers through noises too.
Gargoyle geckos primarily get vocal at night, and they make a variety of sounds. Gargoyle geckos often make sounds akin to squeaks, clicks, barks, and growls. Geckos use these noises to communicate information to other geckos and sometimes their keepers.
As a gecko owner, you must learn how to communicate with your gecko and provide it with the happy and healthy lifestyle it needs. One way you can do this is by learning the sounds geckos make. Keep reading to learn more about gargoyle gecko noises.
Do gargoyle geckos make sounds?
Most first-time gargoyle gecko owners are shocked to discover that gargoyle geckos make sounds. They make a handful of noises that communicate different emotions and desires. Most gargoyle geckos mainly make sounds to other geckos, but some become vocal with their keepers.
What kind of sounds do gargoyle geckos make?
Gargoyle geckos, like other gecko species, can make various noises. The most common noises to look out for include squeaks, clicks, barks, and growls. Here’s a closer look at each one of these sounds.
The most common noise you can hear a gargoyle gecko make is squeaking or chirping. These sounds mean that your gecko is happy and enjoying his time. Some geckos chirp whenever they are roaming about, whereas others may squeak whenever they’re getting ready to be fed. Either way, your gecko is happy if it is squeaking or chirping.
Gargoyle geckos will click when they are annoyed, uncomfortable, or stressed. Younger geckos are likelier to click at humans, but adults generally learn how to be pet by humans. Gargoyle geckos sometimes click before they are shed or after they are eating. If you notice your gecko clicking, put it down so it can be calm again.
Barking is a more severe sign of annoyance and stress. In many ways, barking sounds like clicking, but it is a lot hoarser. Most geckos only bark whenever they feel they are in direct danger. If you notice your gecko barking, you want to back away immediately since it feels threatened.
Growling is basically what it sounds like. In geckos, growling sounds a bit more like screaming. It means the gecko feels threatened or stressed. Juveniles are likelier to growl simply because they’re unfamiliar with things around them.
Why do gargoyle geckos make noises?
There are a bunch of different reasons that explain why geckos make noises. Geckos mainly make noises whenever they feel stressed, scared, or threatened, but they sometimes make noise whenever they are content and happy. The sound of the noise points to the cause of it.
Is it normal for gargoyle geckos to make noises?
Yes. It is completely normal for gargoyle geckos to make noises. Geckos, as a whole, are incredibly vocal reptiles. You have nothing to worry about if you hear gargoyle geckos making noise.
When do gargoyle geckos make noises?
These geckos are most likely to be vocal at night around other geckos. Even so, it’s normal to hear gargoyle geckos make noise during the day or direct their sounds to you.
These geckos are likelier to make sounds of stress and annoyance right before and during shedding. During these times, the gecko is more sensitive, and it gets stressed and annoyed more easily. Conversely, gargoyle geckos most commonly make happy noises before they are fed.
Do gargoyle geckos need anything from me when they make noises?
If you are touching your gargoyle gecko and it begins making sounds of stress and annoyance, it is communicating it needs you to put it down and leave it alone. Besides that, gargoyle geckos normally do not need anything when making noise.
Final thoughts
You’ll quickly realize that this reptile is vocal whenever you bring a gargoyle gecko home. They make noises whenever they’re happy, stressed, or threatened in any way.
Clicking, barking, and growling are all signs that your gecko feels stressed or threatened. In contrast, a squeaking gecko is a happy one.
Learn what these different noises sound like so you can properly respond the next time your gecko makes a noise. If the gecko makes happy noises, you won’t need to do anything but let it go if it starts clicking, growling, or barking at you.